Family Care MCO Audited 2021 Q4 Financials

Family Care,
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) posted audited 4th quarter financials of managed care organizations (MCOs) in Family Care and Family Care Partnership/PACE. 
The three-page summaries also provide details on MCO revenues, expenses and percentage of populations served (i.e. developmentally disabled, physically disabled and frail elder).
Family Care MCOs ended fiscal year 2021 with positive balances of:
+ $34,830,048: Community Care, Inc (9.4% of annual revenues)
+ $34,405,668: My Choice Wisconsin (7.5% of annual revenues)
+ $18,010,265: Inclusa (3.9% of annual revenues)
+ $2,798,943: Lakeland Care (1.2% of annual revenues)
+ $90,044,924: Total (5.9% of total annual revenues)
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