Gov. Evers Directs More than $250 Million to Support Long-Term Care Services and the Caregiving Work

Family Care, Legislative,

As we have previously communicated, WALA has been advocating on your behalf for the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to institute a minimum reimbursement system/rate setting initiative in Family Care. 

Yesterday, Governor Evers directed the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) to establish minimum reimbursement rates and add $258 million into the Family Care program. DHS estimates this investment “will provide a 40.5 percent rate increase for most of the services provided at residential facilities, among other rate increases.” 

“The minimum rates will go into effect Oct. 1, 2024, and DHS will systematically monitor that MCOs are paying providers at or above the minimums and will have contractual penalties if the MCOs fail to pay providers the minimums.” WALA issued a press release this morning and we will continue to keep you posted on this initiative. 

Read the press release here

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