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Diabetes / Pressure Ulcers Download

Diabetes mellitus refers to a set of diseases related to how insulin is produced and used in the human body. People with diabetes face a lifetime of treating the disease and working to prevent complications.

The Compliance Strategies in this manual will outline how to prepare and educate your staff in caring for people with diabetes as well as provide you with best practices used in caring for people with diabetes.


Plus! You also get Pressure Ulcer Compliance Strategies!

Pressure ulcers, bedsores, or pressure sores are a common form of damage that occurs on the skin or in the underlying tissue. If your assisted living community has residents with limited mobility or other conditions that could lead to the development of pressure ulcers, your caregivers must understand and carry out care strategies to prevent pressure ulcers from developing.

The Compliance Strategies in this manual will outline the practices to follow that will educate your staff in preventing, recognizing, and caring for pressure ulcers when they develop.

View a sneak peek of the Table of Contents - Diabetes

View a sneak peek of the Table of Contents - Pressure Ulcers 

Non-Member Price: $110
Member Price: $50

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