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Resident Rights Poster

Community Based Residential Facilities need to post a copy of the resident’s rights per DHS Code 83.32 (2)(b) in a prominent public place available to residents, employees and guests. WALA makes it easy for you!

WALA developed a resident rights poster that you can display in your community that lists the resident rights in the DHS 83 Code as well as Chapter 50.09 Stats. This poster has recently been updated with new language from Chapter 50 and DHS Memos and with a new look, making it easier for your residents to read.

*New language added refers to domestic partners under the title 'Respect' and added language under the title 'Communications' to include that private and unrestricted communications between physicians, physician assistant, advanced practical nurse prescriber, attorney, etc. shall not be restricted in any event.

Non-Member Price: $30
Member Price: $15

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