Membership Information
WALA is the premier voice for Wisconsin assisted living. Whether you're a provider, vendor or partner, a WALA membership is indispensable.
See what WALA can do for you!
Contact us at for assistance or questions
WALA Membership Benefits:
Reduced Rates
WALA members receive a substantial discount on registration, exhibition and sponsorship at our training seminars and major events. Discounts on products are also available through the WALA Store or through our product catalog.
The WALA Advocate Digital Newsletter
Our newsletter comes out three times per year and features updates on assisted living issues, in-depth information from industry leaders and regulators, and detailed information on upcoming events around the state. Your electronic copy will be delivered right to your in-box and past copies can be downloaded from our website.
Email Communications
Up-to-date information is distributed regularly through our membership emails. Communications include Wisconsin assisted living news as well as updates from Argentum, our national partner.
Free listing on the WALA website
All provider and associate members receive a free listing on our website, which you can edit directly.
Assisted Living Resource Directory
The Assisted Living Resource Directory lists all of our current associate members to help connect you to the resources you need to succeed.
National Connection
WALA is a state affiliate member of Argentum. As an affiliate, we work with Argentum on issues impacting our industry nationwide and follow their lead with the federal government. They, in turn, keep us updated on developments in other states and Washington, DC.
You can join Argentum directly, giving you access to all the benefits they have to offer. More on Argentum membership can be found on their website at or by calling them at (703) 894-1805.
WALA is the premier voice for Wisconsin assisted living. Whether you're a provider, vendor or partner, a WALA membership is indispensable.
See what WALA can do for you!
Contact us at for assistance or questions
WALA Membership Benefits:
Reduced Rates
WALA members receive a substantial discount on registration, exhibition and sponsorship at our training seminars and major events. Discounts on products are also available through the WALA Store or through our product catalog.
The WALA Advocate Digital Newsletter
Our newsletter comes out three times per year and features updates on assisted living issues, in-depth information from industry leaders and regulators, and detailed information on upcoming events around the state. Your electronic copy will be delivered right to your in-box and past copies can be downloaded from our website.
Email Communications
Up-to-date information is distributed regularly through our membership emails. Communications include Wisconsin assisted living news as well as updates from Argentum, our national partner.
Free listing on the WALA website
All provider and associate members receive a free listing on our website, which you can edit directly.
Assisted Living Resource Directory
The Assisted Living Resource Directory lists all of our current associate members to help connect you to the resources you need to succeed.
National Connection
WALA is a state affiliate member of Argentum. As an affiliate, we work with Argentum on issues impacting our industry nationwide and follow their lead with the federal government. They, in turn, keep us updated on developments in other states and Washington, DC.
You can join Argentum directly, giving you access to all the benefits they have to offer. More on Argentum membership can be found on their website at or by calling them at (703) 894-1805.
WALA Membership Options
Provider Membership
Designed for those who operate an assisted living facility
Click to Join As a Provider Member
Provider Member Benefits
As Wisconsin's leader in assisted living advocacy, WALA works regularly with the Bureau of Assisted Living and other local, state and federal government entities.
Education & Products
WALA offers educational seminars throughout the year that help meet your training requirements. These statewide events bring vital information directly to you and your staff. WALA products support your quality initiatives - like our Compliance Strategies and regulatory products that ensure you have all the information you need available for compliance.
Job Postings
You can post your job openings on our website for easy access for applicants! We highlight our job opening pages with Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and send out announcements on a regular basis to make sure your ads get seen.
The regulation rewrites, the liability insurance crisis and the rising acuity of residents are just some of the issues on which WALA continues to be a statewide leader.
Professional Credibility
WALA membership helps show prospective residents and employees your commitment to professional growth and dedication to the assisted living industry. As a member you can join the WALA Diamond Accreditation Program to start the path to accreditation through quality care indicators and information.
$24.56 per bed for providers with 11 beds and up
$265.22 for providers with 1-10 beds
If you are a current member and need to add an additional facility to your WALA account, please Contact Us.
*Membership dues are non-refundable
Associate Membership
Designed for those who provide goods or services to assisted living providers
Click to Join As an Associate Member
Associate Member Benefits
Associate membership in WALA gives you access to hundreds of assisted living providers around the state and demonstrates your interest in and commitment to addressing their needs.
There are a variety of promotional opportunities and venues available through WALA, including exhibit space at our conference, sponsorship of our events and sponsored content in our newsletter, The WALA Advocate.
Our conferences and other events are valuable opportunities to network with providers and business associates from around the state.
When our providers need a particular service, they turn to WALA members first through our Resource Directory, listings on our website and referrals from WALA staff.
Annual Dues:
$438 for companies with $0 - $250,000 gross annual revenue
$979 for companies with $250,000 - $1 Million gross annual revenue
$1,442 for companies with above $1 Million gross annual revenue