WALA State Biennial Budget Requests


WALA has submitted this letter to Governor Evers that provides our recommendations and requests for the 2023-2025 biennial budget.  This includes:

  • Funding the Family Care Rate-Bands (Fee-Schedule).  Request adequate funding to implement Family Care Provider Rate-Bands (Fee Schedule).
  • Family Care 5% Rate Increase for Providers.  Continue and fully fund the Family Care 5% rate increase initially funded by ARPA.
  • Direct Care Workforce Funding Initiative - 10% Increase.  Request continuation and at least a 10 percent annual increase of the Direct Care Workforce Funding Initiative.
  • Long-Term Care Staffing Sustainability: Managing the Benefit Cliff.  Manage the benefit cliff for health care workers who surpass Medicaid (BadgerCare) income eligibility criteria.

We will update our members with more information as it becomes available. 

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