Advocacy Updates

It has been a productive week of advocacy on behalf of WALA members. This Wednesday, WALA President & CEO Mike Pochowski, along with our lobbyist Forbes McIntosh, met with the Governor’s Office to discuss our recommendations and requests for the 2023-25 state budget. These recommendations include:
  • Funding the Family Care Rate-Bands (Fee-Schedule). Request adequate funding to implement Family Care Provider Rate-Bands (Fee Schedule).
  • Family Care 5% Rate Increase for Providers. Continue and fully fund the Family Care 5% rate increase initially funded by ARPA.
  • Direct Care Workforce Funding Initiative - 10% Increase.  Request continuation and at least a 10 percent annual increase of the Direct Care Workforce Funding Initiative.
In addition, Mike also testified on Wednesday during the Governor Evers Budget Listening Session to advocate for these requests.
Mike testified again on Thursday on the proposed purchases of My Choice Wisconsin and Inclusa. He outlined general concerns with the Family Care Program and underscored that we are looking forward to working with Humana and Molina Health Care, Inc.
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