WALA continues to work for you!

Community, Family Care, Industry, Legislative, Member News, Regulatory,

WALA understands that the assisted living profession is rapidly changing. Especially during 2021, WALA has worked alongside you through Advocacy, Education, and Service


  • Continuous meetings/discussions with elected officials, the Governor’s office, Department of Health Services, Division of Medicaid Services, and Bureau of Assisted Living
  • WALA representation on numerous legislative, regulatory, and executive task forces
  • Continuation and increased funding into the Direct Care Workforce Funding Initiative
  • Rate increases and enhancements within the Family Care Program - Read about the latest Advocacy accomplishment!
  • Multiple, ongoing efforts to support members through the COVID-19 public health crisis
  • Passage of reasonable liability protections for COVID-19 related injuries or deaths
  • COVID-19 relief funding for assisted living providers through the CARES Act



  • Communications - weekly e-mails, Membership Matters Webinars, The WALA Advocate
  • Redesigned/user friendly website
  • WALA Diamond Program with invaluable quality assurance tools and resources
  • Access to industry experts that offer operational solutions
  • Active social media presence to communicate and promote member accomplishments
  • Membership discounts on events, products, and service 

 PLUS these tangible member benefits:

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